News - Dovetailed

'Press' as you sew: 'Pressing' tips for a professional finish.

'Press' as you sew: 'Pressing' tips for a profe...

Pressing blends and sets your stitches, eliminates or reduces bulk in some areas and helps create a garment that lies flat and falls properly when you wear it.  When you...

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'Press' as you sew: 'Pressing' tips for a profe...

Pressing blends and sets your stitches, eliminates or reduces bulk in some areas and helps create a garment that lies flat and falls properly when you wear it.  When you...

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Knitting & Stitching Show Autumn 2019

Knitting & Stitching Show Autumn 2019

Dovetailed London is super excited to be exhibiting again at this event! The Knitting & Stitching Shows are the definitive events for anyone with a love of textile based craft....

Knitting & Stitching Show Autumn 2019

Dovetailed London is super excited to be exhibiting again at this event! The Knitting & Stitching Shows are the definitive events for anyone with a love of textile based craft....

PRISCILLA TEE African wax print sewing pattern Sizes 8 - 26 with box pleats at the neckline finished with bias binding

PRISCILLA TEE Sizes 8 - 26 with box pleats at t...

This pattern is perfect for beginners.  Whether you are new to sewing, new to African wax prints or both! For more experienced sewers, you'll be able to complete this project...

PRISCILLA TEE Sizes 8 - 26 with box pleats at t...

This pattern is perfect for beginners.  Whether you are new to sewing, new to African wax prints or both! For more experienced sewers, you'll be able to complete this project...

An Introduction to sewing with African wax print fabrics!!

An Introduction to sewing with African wax prin...

Come and learn how to sew with African wax print fabrics! During this four week course, you will learn many basic machine and hand sewing skills and techniques as well...

An Introduction to sewing with African wax prin...

Come and learn how to sew with African wax print fabrics! During this four week course, you will learn many basic machine and hand sewing skills and techniques as well...

Some of your frequently asked questions

Some of your frequently asked questions

Can I wash the fabric? Yes, as with most fabrics it is good practice to wash and 'press' before you cut and sew. Simply put in your machine on a...


Some of your frequently asked questions

Can I wash the fabric? Yes, as with most fabrics it is good practice to wash and 'press' before you cut and sew. Simply put in your machine on a...

Real wax v Imi wax: How to tell the difference.

Real wax v Imi wax: How to tell the difference.

The design is only printed on one side of the fabric. This is perhaps the easiest way to distinguish Real Wax from Imi Wax. 

Real wax v Imi wax: How to tell the difference.

The design is only printed on one side of the fabric. This is perhaps the easiest way to distinguish Real Wax from Imi Wax.